
Allegacy Federal Credit Union's Student-Run Credit Union at West Forsyth

We had the pleasure of shooting the Grand Opening of the West Forsyth Student Run Credit Union (SRCU) on September 21. Allegacy Federal Credit Union, in Winston-Salem, has created this program to increase financial literacy for high-school students. They are the first in the state to implement such a program. Representative Virginia Foxx was onsite to cut the ribbon.

The SRCU is open at certain times during the week, run by a group of students participating in a financial literacy class. These students assist other students and teachers with simple transactions to their accounts through WebBanking. Each SRCU has a sister Allegacy branch they work with as well.

To date, Allegacy has opened three SRCUs (Reagan, Atkins and West) with another opening 9/28 at Glenn High School in Kernersville. Look for another post from the Glenn opening soon!

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